Monday, August 13, 2012

Sex and the city

I have been very, sorry, extremely inactive in this wonderful world of blogging, and somehow I feel I have lost the entire love I had with words. It was a very disheartening realization, and sitting on my bed watching the Sex and the city series on my laptop I decided that I would challenge myself with something quite difficult.

I have been almost an illiterate when it came to the S** language, and I have been a big jerk to always laugh at every pervasive jokes my friends cracked without knowing the meaning! And so I have decided that I would write an article everyday on the title of each episode in the series. It could be anything from a general opinion on the topic, a fictional story, an anecdote or of any other genre.

It is basically to have some fun combined with my love for writing. Hope you guys like it and would really really love those sexy comments from you all!!



Destiny's child... said...

Yo, you go girl! I am sure that's corny and fleetingly sexy ;)

Writing Bee said...

Hahaha I am hoping they will be :)