Monday, January 2, 2012

How could she?

My parents and myself were driving this evening, when my father was telling us a story he heard in BBC radio this morning. A very beautiful woman from Iran, was traumatized by a man, by pouring acid on her face for rejecting his marriage proposal. Here is the report I got when I searched it on Google.

Personally I feel such punishments are required, so that next time a man picks up an acid bottle to throw it on a woman's face, he thinks a hundered times! But on another note, I also feel it wouldn't serve any purpose to the woman. What is lost is lost. Throwing acid on his face as well, will not bring back what she has lost, will it? But never the less it is a lot better that some punishment is better than the man roaming around, like a hero!

It seems in the radio programme, it was said that when the man was asked to apologize he refused to do so. He should be beaten to death so that he knows the intensity of what has occurred because of him. Personally, I don't really know how it would feel to have a burning face from acid, but I do know how life can turn upside down when a guy, whose proposal you have rejected, is bent on destroying and ruining your life. At the moment I too would love to do something to make the guy's life hell, but when I think about it deeply, probably I too would pardon him, because what is done is done.

So thought I would share it along with all of you.


Confused Soul said...

Men like these should be burnt. Only coz they don't get the woman they feel like no one else should. Throwing acid in no way is heroic. They are f*****g lame losers man!

Writing Bee said...

@Shreya: I swear!! They are losers who don't know how and what a woman is capable of!!

Jessa said...

I agree that it will never bring her back what she has lost... but I think his punishment will ensure he doesn't take away her dignity. There are many of us who are proud of the scars we bare and I believe she can at least have pride in the fact that her choices and the pain she endured because of them did not go unnoticed. I think he'll be getting many more refusals to come due to his actions. Thanks you for sharing this woman's story with us.

Love & Lollies... Jessa

Writing Bee said...

@Jessa: Completely agree. I too feel the punishment would make sure other men not repeat such atrocities and that she has won something she has fought for with great courage. My pleasure :)

Anonymous said...

Geez I mean I can understand he must have felt unpleasant after being rejected but you need to have some serious mental and psychological issues to literally pick up a bottle of acid and throw it on a person... Its disgusting.

But if he has a sane streak at all he'll feel guilty, and he'll have to live with the guilt for the rest of his life.

Still disgusting.


Kala said...

I wish such people should be punished the same by throwing acid on their face too then they will surely understand the pain.

Vinati said...

What is important is to make such a person repent for his wrong doings and punishment is just a medium to achieve the main purpose.

Writing Bee said...

@Mirage: Completely agree. In case he understands his mistakes and feels guilty for it, the purpose is fulfilled! Though this guy did not feel guilty at all, which is quite evident when he refused to provide her with an apology.

Red Handed said...

SHIT!!!! This is not the first time though that I am hearing about acid being poured...God!!! Such men deserve to be castrated!!

Writing Bee said...

@Red: I know. It is just heart breaking to know thousands of women out there suffer this or at least have the fear of suffering something similar.

Gayatri said...

This is so sad. I think such behaviour comes from a deep sense of entitlement and a feeling that men can do anything to women. I really hope that one day he's punished in the worst possible way.

Sujatha Sathya said...

very sad incident though i must admit we have heard so many such cases

in femina there was an article where an acid attack victim shared her story. she said that with that burnt face its like the old her is dead. they have to learn to live life again without wanting to kill themselves. because everybody is scared of them now because of the face esp kids. and she also said bearing the hospital & treatment costs kills them more than anything else.
its not even possible for us to imagine their trauma. just feel very sad for them

Writing Bee said...

@Gayatri: I too hope that he is punished or at the least at least understand his mistake, which is more important.

@Sujatha Di: Femina brings out many such incidents. In fact I could talk to one such victim for an assignment and it was heart breaking to know her story and how much of effort and will power she needed to get back into life. And yes kids are the most vulnerable and also the people whose frowning faces hurt us the most.

Mehwisky said...

Silly are those men who think they can force love out of their beloved. Silly, silly men. This is too sad.

Writing Bee said...

@Mehwisky: Completely agree. Love is not something to be grabbed and achieved. It is supposed to be felt, nurtured and enjoyed! Welcome :)

Jen..The Butterfly Effect said...

OMG! Bad. Men like that even exist to this day. They say they've modernised and all that.But they're a real gutter deep down!

Writing Bee said...

@Jen: Very true. Modernization and stuff are all a waste of time as long as human beings don't even have the basic necessities of safety and right to life as desired..!!